Historically, most Catholics have been poor contributors to their Church, e.g. paying less than 1% of their income.
With very few vocations to the priesthoodor religious orders, parishes are relying more and more on paid staff. We challenge all parishioners to consider reviewing their giving. 2.5% is a good starting point if you can manage it. For example, if your family has an income of $80,000, 2.5% would be about $40 a week.
Giving back one hour of our weekly toil is 1/ 40th or 2.5% of our weekly income, is a small but meaningful sacrifice to God, who has given us 100% of everything we have.
We understand fully that some, maybe most, of you are facing real financial challenges now due to either loss of income or reduction in income. You’ll be scrutinising your family budget and assessing what you have to spend money on and what you can no longer afford, making tough choices.
Our Parish is no different. Our Business Manager, Peter Evans, has already assessed where we can stop or reduce spending and what we can’t afford to reduce. We are continually assessing what we can afford based on estimated income, government support packages and archdiocesan advice as we continue our Parish mission and life as best we can. We also need to be ready to reanimate our Parish quickly once the restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
To help us manage our finances it’s important that as many of you as possible continue
to contribute to our Presbytery Giving and Thanksgiving (Church) programs. However,
we also recognise that you will not be able to attend Church to give to the collections
if this is what you normally do, so we are offering a range of ways for you to contribute.
Thanks to those who give to the Thanksgiving program already through either Direct Debit or Credit Card.
We will continue your current Direct Debit or Credit Card Thanksgiving arrangements unless you request the Parish Officeto make a change.
Thanks also to those of you who would normally give by the two collections
at weekend Masses.
We would like you to review the information and options below and respond
if you can. But first, it’s important that you understand how the two Sunday
Mass collections are actually used:
If you’re not already part of Direct Debit or Credit Card Thanksgiving (part of the second collection) and want to sign up, please contact the Parish Office on 9764 4058 or Peter Evans at peter@stsimonsparish.com.au to make arrangements. This could be a one-off contribution or be a temporary arrangement during the crisis. Anything you give will be greatly appreciated!
Alternatively, you can use CDFpay via the link below. Through CDFpay you make
a contribution to either Presbytery or Church (Thanksgiving). You can contribute to both, but this requires you to do this separately.
You can make either a one-off contribution or set it up as a recurring contribution. If you use this and give currently to Thanksgiving via envelopes, please include your envelope number in the “Notes” section under “Additional Questions” so we can record your giving.
CDFpay link - CDFpay for St Simon’s Parish
Finally, you can pay on a case-by-case basis by credit card using the Donation Tap Point devices we have in the narthex (foyer) of the church. You can either donate a fixed $10 amount on the smaller device, or select from a donation of $5, $10, $20 or $50 on the larger device. Donations via these tap devices are automatically split 2/3 to the Presbytery Account and 1/3 to the Church Account.
Please contact the office during business hours if you need guidance to do this.
Thanks for your support and prayers.
The office team is remembering all parishioners in our prayers.