We have a number of ministries that require assistance. Many of our parishioners enjoy the fellowship which involvement in the Parish brings and, we, the parish team will appreciate the extra helping hands and sharing of your talents.
As the saying goes ‘many hands make light work’. Are you able to join one of our ministries? Training will be provided.
Becoming involved in a ministry is a great way to contribute to your Parish, meet fellow parishioners, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Some ministries offer services to members of our community and parish.
eg: Communion to the sick, Helping families in need (Vinnies).
Church Cleaning and setting up the Church for Mass services.
eg: Altar Society, Sacristan and Church cleaning.
Church Flowers
We are seeking parishioners who enjoy being creative and are interested in joining the Flowers Team on a roster basis.
Helping at Mass
eg: Reading, commentating, flower arrranging, church collections, Eucharistic Ministers, children's liturgy leaders, welcoming/ help desk, hospitality.
Livestreaming of Services
If any one would be interested in assisting us with the livestreaming of Mass Services, training will be provided. Please contact Peter Evans on 9764 4058.
Please contact the Parish Office on 9764 4058 or leave your name and contact details
at the Help Desk.
Maintaining the parish garden
And doing varies maintance jobs when needed within the Parish.
Many ministries are there just for you
eg: Gospel Reflection (discussion) sessions, Supper and Soul, Children's Liturgy, RCIA (our program for new Catholics) Intercessary Prayers (Rosary), Craft Group, Holy Hour, World day of Prayer, Youth Group, Women's Group and Men's Group.